
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Make 2015 a Good Story!

Tomorrow is the first blank page quote | Denise on a Whim
Happy New Year's Eve my friends!
I've been pretty busy this Christmas season filling custom sign orders for a bunch of my friends,
as well as celebrating with my loved ones.
But I wanted to take a moment to wish you all a most wonderful 2015!
I can say with all honesty that 2014 had a few surprises in it for me.
Some of them were not so great
but, in the end, everything worked out for the best.
It's true what they say...
Everything happens for a reason.
And, although we can't always see how they will at first,
things tend to work out in the end.
Trust the Timing of Your Life Quote | Denise on a Whim
I have found it to be true
that with every sad circumstance in our life,
we either learn something
or we gain something different
but equally as beautiful.
If we only allow ourselves the happiness we deserve,
it will find us indeed.
Believe in Happiness Quote | Denise on a Whim
I wish for you the best of years in 2015.
Be a bit daring.
Laugh a whole bunch more.
Drink in the beauty around you
and live life with a tender heart.
Embrace love.
The Breathings of Your Heart Quote | Denise on a Whim
Happiness awaits.
Let's all make this year a most fascinating story, shall we?

Let's keep in touch...
Your comments make me smile :) 'Til next time!
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1 comment:

I love hearing from you and read all of your comments. They make my day! I'm sorry I can't reply to every one of them, but I sure do love reading them and appreciate every one!