
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hugs and Kisses, Sweaters and Twigs

Hugs and Kisses made from Embroidery Hoops, Sweaters and Twigs via Denise on a Whim
This super cute xoxo hugs and kisses decor
was made from twigs, embroidery hoops and an old sweater.
A super easy and inexpensive DIY for Valentine's Day!
I first picked out which embroidery hoops I wanted to use
so I could determine the size of the twigs.
Hugs and Kisses made from Embroidery Hoops, Sweaters and Twigs via Denise on a Whim
Once I had my embroidery hoops picked out, I put some white sweater pieces into them,
tightened the hoops and trimmed off the excess.
Hugs and Kisses made from Embroidery Hoops, Sweaters and Twigs via Denise on a Whim
I next broke off some twigs pieces in the desired lengths to go with my hoops.
and attached them together with Gorilla Glue.
After drying, I painted them white with chalk paint.
Hugs and Kisses made from Embroidery Hoops, Sweaters and Twigs via Denise on a Whim
I didn't intend it, but they fit perfectly into this old shutter I had hanging on my wall.
Hugs and Kisses made from Embroidery Hoops, Sweaters and Twigs via Denise on a Whim
I added some folded scrapbook paper envelopes
and another poem printed in a vintage typewriter font.
Poetry in a Vintage Typewriter Font via Denise on a Whim
Underneath the shutter, I have a small bookcase, of sorts.
I added a few rusty bits and this arrow I also made from a branch.
Fabric and Twig Arrow from Denise on a Whim
To make the arrow, I cut some fabric fort he point, stuffed it with cotton balls,
and hot glued it together, then to the end of the branch.
For the other end, I cut 3 fabric pieces of equal size and hot glued them to the branch
and to the piece next to it on the other 3 exposed edges.
Then I made slits down the fabric toward the branch.
Fabric and Twig Arrow from Denise on a Whim
This cute little corner rounds out the neutral Valentine decor in my dining room
with a few pops of red and turquoise thrown in for good measure!
Hugs and Kisses made from Embroidery Hoops, Sweaters and Twigs via Denise on a Whim

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1 comment:

  1. What an exquisite article! Your post is very helpful right now. Thank you for sharing this informative one.


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