With a job making commercial signs during the day,
and then turning around making painted wooden signs when I get home,
I'm sometimes surprised I don't make signs in my sleep too!
The sign I'm showing you today turns out to be one of my favorites of all time.
First, I love the quote on this sign...
Home is where love resides,
memories are created
& laughter never ends.
Second, I'm adoring the background finish!
I wanted to use my brown chalk paint, but it had completely dried up.
So I grabbed a small cup of water and, dipping my brush in the water
and then swirling it around in the dried up brown paint,
I was able to create this almost stained looking finish.
The watery brown made for a nice transparent background,
allowing the wood grain to show through.
Once I had realized my brown was dry, I bought some new brown chalk paint,
which is what I used to paint the arrows with.
The white lettering and the buttery yellow looks gorgeous on it!
If you're wondering what that beautiful yellow is,
it's actually called Cake Batter and it's a color from
Debi's Design Diary DIY Paint by Heirloom Traditions.
It sounds yummy and it almost looks good enough to eat!
(But not quite because surely it doesn't taste anything like cake batter after all. Although writing about it has now given me a hankering for a nice yellow cake...)
Anyway, moving on....There's just something so soft and dreamy about the way this sign turned out
and I hope you've enjoyed seeing it as much as I enjoyed making it!

Let's keep in touch...
Your comments make me smile :) 'Til next time!

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