Obviously you're a little curious about me if you clicked on this page tab, so here goes...
I'm a busy gal with two hilarious and energetic children.
Here they are displaying some of their goofiness...
I volunteer at the Kent County Youth Fair and I work full time at United Sign Company. A while back, on a whim you could say, I started repurposing, creating and crafting some pretty cool things. I decided to start this blog to share my projects and I couldn't be happier about the decision! I love blogging! I've met so many awesome people through this blog and I feel blessed to know you all!
Oh yeah, and we now have a kitten. He just loves to help with our projects! Especially twine and burlap! :)
Here they are displaying some of their goofiness...
I volunteer at the Kent County Youth Fair and I work full time at United Sign Company. A while back, on a whim you could say, I started repurposing, creating and crafting some pretty cool things. I decided to start this blog to share my projects and I couldn't be happier about the decision! I love blogging! I've met so many awesome people through this blog and I feel blessed to know you all!
Oh yeah, and we now have a kitten. He just loves to help with our projects! Especially twine and burlap! :)
I figured a blog would be the perfect compliment to our business, along with a great excuse to get myself writing again. Since I had kids, I sort of put that kind of thing on the backburner. But I really enjoy writing and I used to do it often. Not this kind of writing. Poetry. I actually went to college to learn how to write poetry. Sound strange? Well, the truth is, I didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up. :) But I was told I was a good writer, so I thought, why not? I have an English degree with a creative writing emphasis. Haven't really done much with that particular degree. But, technically, I am now, right? :)
Like I said, before my blog, it had been awhile since I'd really been in the habit of writing. I've spent the last nine years or so putting all my creative energies into graphic design, which I really love. And I've had 2 kids in that time span, too. My beautiful daughter is 8 and my hilarious little cutie-pie of a son is 6. They alone keep me pretty busy, just let me tell you! Then there's my real job and my volunteer job. And I do my best to spend some of my 'free' time with friends.
Here are some random facts about me...
- I love to read. I actually don't do it very often because, once I start a good book, I won't do anything else!
- I make a really great pie crust. Learned how from my Mom!
- I love totally sappy romantic movies. My favorite is 27 Dresses. Love the Bennie and the Jets scene!
- I may have a thing for vampires. It's true. I loved the Twilight books and movies. My current tv infatuation is Dracula on NBC. What can I say...
- I don't have a computer or the internet at home. Yes, I'm a blogger without a computer. Sounds kind of strange, doesn't it? But I make it work.
- I love to sing! I sing almost constantly when I'm in the car. I do karaoke whenever I have the chance. My kids are singers now, too!
- My favorite color is turquoise. (But you all could kinda tell that from our projects, couldn't you?)
- I used to refinish furniture and make things out of thrifted finds when I was in High School, too. This repurposing and refinishing stuff must be in my blood!
- The craziest things I ever did was skydive! I don't even like planes. lol. But it was SO awesome!
- I sometimes break out into fits of laughter (especially when I'm tired) and I can't seem to stop myself. Oh, and I have a very loud laugh!
- I hate wearing shoes. If I could, I'd go barefoot year-round. But, I can't, because I live in Michigan and I freeze all winter long...
- I grew up in Lansing, MI, lived in Kalamzoo, MI while I went to western Michigan University and then moved to the little town of Lowell. It's a bit of a different lifestyle than the medium sized cities I'm used to, but I love it. Living in a small town in the country is so wonderful! And we're very close to Grand Rapids too, which is a plus!
- I have five half-brothers (from my Dad) but grew up as an only child. They all lived with their mom. I was a true Daddy's girl, too!
- I lost both my parents within the last ten years, but I have some wonderful friends and family who have adopted me into their lives. For that I am so grateful!
- I love having my feet rubbed.
- I'm so glad I started blogging. I enjoy it more than I can say!

I hope you've enjoyed getting to know me a little better. I enjoy getting to know you all too from your comments and social media interactions. Thanks for hanging out with me and for joining me
On a Whim!