Today I'm going back in the archives to revisit a project I did in 2013.
You may notice my tastes haven't changed all that much.
Turquoise paint and burlap, along with some chicken wire,
are the main elements in this project and they're still some of my favorites!
As you may know, I love making things form thrift store frames.
While I use them to make a lot of signs,
the Chicken Wire Memo Board I made a couple years back is something a little different.
A short time ago, I had the honor of being asked
if my project could be featured in DIY Decorating Addict Magazine.
The magazine is exclusively available on the Apple Newstand on iPhones, iPads and iPods.
It is basically a "Readers Digest" of DIY projects
and it showcases creative DIY'ers who blog about their projects.
"The magazine aims to inform, entertain and personalize projects for readers
looking for decorating and design ideas for their own homes," according to Dianne Corriere, the Publisher and one-woman show behind the magazine.
Dianne has published my Chicken Wire Memo Board
in the current issue of DIY Decorating Addict and I would love for you to check it out!
For a free 3-month subscription to the magazine,
please click on the following link for instructions...
Thanks for sharing in my excitement over this feature!
Let's keep in touch...
Your comments make me smile :) 'Til next time!

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