With the warmer temperatures we've been having the past few days,
(which are wonderful, by the way!!)
it seems like a great time to share with you this scrap wood spring table decoration I made.
I took a couple of wood scraps, one slightly less wide than the other,
and put dark aging wax on them to deepen the color.
Next I screwed the shorter one onto the longer one
so that the longer piece would make a stand of sorts
and the shorter piece would be a sign.
I purchased some metal stencils not long ago from Decor Steals.
They're really nice to have around because I'm using them both as decoration on a shelf
I chose the word bloom to stencil on the wood in a very pale cream color.I seem to be on a kick lately with the word.
Check out my last sign if you want to find out why it's a word I can't get enough of this spring.
After the letters were stenciled on, I added some boxwood at the base with hot glue.

It's turned out to be one of me new favorite spring decorations this year!
Let's keep in touch...
Your comments make me smile :) 'Til next time!

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