I love pumpkins and squash. They come in such gorgeous colors, like the few I chose this year. Bright orange, pale orange, peach, white. They're all so beautiful!
You can't really go wrong with a creamy white color. Mine sits atop an old, weathered picnic basket...

Here is our group of pumpkins and squash, accompanied by an old chair and a dark red watering can.
I hope you all are having a beautiful fall!
Head on over and like our facebook page here.
You can't really go wrong with a creamy white color. Mine sits atop an old, weathered picnic basket...
Perhaps my favorite is this squatty, pale orange pumpkin...
My son picked out a regular orange pumpkin for carving. But my daughter chose this off-beat, bright orangish-red version. She's following along nicely in her momma's footsteps! :)
Here is our group of pumpkins and squash, accompanied by an old chair and a dark red watering can.
I hope you all are having a beautiful fall!
Head on over and like our facebook page here.
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